Project Create RWD Redesign

Enhancing Online Donorship

Roles: Researcher, Visual Design & Prototyping
Duration: 2.5 weeks
Collaborators: Kelsey Davis & Ling-Yun Tang

Project Background

Project Create is a Washington, DC nonprofit that provides free art classes to the area’s most vulnerable youth. The nonprofit has largely been dependent on public grants and a small concentration of loyal recurring donors. With minimal grant writing support and a new art studio in Anacostia to pay off, their need to increase online donorship was greater than ever before.

The Research

Overall Goal

We needed to learn Project Create’s current approaches and effectiveness in generating donations, as well as the organization’s larger goals for utilizing donation funds.

1:1 Stakeholders Interviews:

We designed customized interview questions for key stakeholders of Project Create to define the organization’s unique strengths, specific donorship challenges and overall goals for growth.

A group of people

Participant Profile

  • 4 key stakeholders
  • Project Create’s executive director, programs manager, web developer and a participating parent
A notepad

Key Interview Questions

  • How do you gain new donors?
  • What are the main functions that your website is utilized for?
  • When users visit your website, what are the most important things you want them to take away?

Key Takeaways

  • Most current donors had a prior relationship with Project Create staff members. It was a challenge for them building awareness and gaining new donors.
  • Project Create’s ultimate goals for their website are to generate online donations, gain students for their art classes and gain local awareness of their cause.
  • The Project Create team held a strong belief that more images and testimonials with success stories of how Project Create impacts the lives of children would motivate users to donate more.
  • Many people first went to the website to donate art supplies to the organization.

Surveying Donor Motivations:

It was also essential to learn from the perspective of a nonprofit donor which factors motivate them to contribute to a specific organization, and which user experience elements were important in completing an online donorship transaction.

36 participants surveyed

All had donated to a non-profit at least once

Key Takeaways

  • Donors like to have a general understanding of how their donation funds will be utilized with a nonprofit.
  • Success stories help donors feel a greater emotional connection to the nonprofit.
  • Donors need to feel certain levels of security and transparency with the nonprofit websites in which they are making online donations.

User Testing of Current Website

To more accurately assess the current Project Create website’s user challenges, we conducted four user tests, evaluating specifically, the user flows of online donorship.

Key Takeaways


The headline and mission statement didn’t translate on an emotional level, and there was no link to learn more.


The donation button wasn’t very prominent and got lost in the background imagery.


Differences in 3rd party payment options weren’t clear.


Users wanted more specific call-outs on organization goals and what the money went towards.


The option to donate supplies went unnoticed as users didn’t scroll down far enough.

Analyzing Competing DC Nonprofits

It was also key to compare the online donorship experience of Project Create’s main competitors.


Donation Frequency

Sitar Arts Center provides frequency option on donation form to encourage repeat contributions.


3rd Party Fee Coverage

Sitar Arts Center also has an option for donors to cover the 3rd party payment transaction fee.


Quantifiable Goals

Capital Hill Arts Workshop has a donation progress bar and total goal for a big picture perspective of contributions.


How Donations Are Used

Critical Exposure provides tangible results for specific donation amounts helping donors determine value of contribution amounts.

The Problem

Project Create’s current website doesn’t define its cause well on the home page, or show the benefits and emotional rewards of supporting the organization on its donation page. The user interface design for the donation page also lacks key features that provide users with transparency and security in donating funds.

How might we create a stronger connection to users so that they are more likely to donate money or goods to Project Create?

The Solution

This website redesign's goal was to create a user journey that enhances the emotional connection that users have with Project Create. We believe that highlighting the specific benefits of donating, providing clear goals the organization is working towards, plus enhancing the online donation form’s user interface design, will establish greater trust with users and motivate them to increase either frequency or one-time donation amounts.

User Persona

From the research gathered, we envisioned a target donor for Project Create to fit this general profile.

Kim Dawes
Status: Married   
Age: 45
Lives in: Washington, DC

“I donate to nonprofits related to causes I feel passionate about. I do like to know at a high level how my donations are utilized.”


  • Wants to give back to the community where she grew up.
  • Wants to know the mission and impact of her donations.
  • Would like to know where her donation dollars are going within the organization.


  • Trying to choose which nonprofits to support.
  • Doesn’t always know if her donation is making a difference.
  • Clunky or time-consuming online forms that she wonders if proper online security measures are in place for.

Home Page

Clearly defines the mission; has a static donation button top of fold, a “featured student” section is added for donors to connect more to the cause.

Donation Page:

Form has suggested donation amounts, there is a recurring donation option, donors can choose a category their funds can be allocated to and 3rd party payment options are defined.

Our Cause Page:

Created as a new addition to the website for a more in-depth understanding of the organization’s mission and goals.


A story of Project Create’s ideal evolution of an in kind donor of art supplies that graduates to a monetary donor, and eventually takes the step to volunteer for the organization as an assistant art instructor.


Based upon research and overall analysis of the current website, LoFi prototypes were designed to address Project Create’s most pressing challenges:

  • Clearly defines the mission

  • Has a static donation button top of fold

  • A “featured student” section is added for donors to connect more to the cause.

  • Form has suggested donation amounts

  • There is a recurring donation option

  • Donors can choose a category their funds can be allocated to - 3rd party payment options are defined

  • Created as a new addition to the website for a more in-depth understanding of the organization’s mission and goals

The Designing and Refining Process

It was crucial that users landed on the redesigned home page and could efficiently understand and connect with the mission and cause, then easily locate and connect to the donation page. On a secondary level, students needed to easily locate class enrollment information. From the Lo-Fi to Mid-Fi phases, the following improvements were made:

Home Page:

  1. An additional Donation button was added to the top of the page.
  2. The headline and CTA buttons were written with more powerful, impactful messaging.
  3. The case registration section was given an expandable menu to minimize vertical length in the initial home screen.
  4. The now “Student Spotlight” section was built out to include a rotating slideshow with images and quotes of the children.

Donation Page:

  • Tabs were created to easily navigation between monetary and in kind donations.
  • Name and email fields were added to the form to capture contact info for future donor promotions.
  • Donation amount buttons were reordered from highest amount to lowest.
  • Differences in 3rd party payment options were explained.

Our Cause Page:

  • Content was fleshed out to truly define Project Create and their mission.

An additional Donation button was added to the top of the page.


The headline and CTA buttons were written with more powerful, impactful messaging.


The case registration section was given an expandable menu to minimize vertical length in the initial home screen.


The now “Student Spotlight” section was built out to include a rotating slideshow with images and quotes of the children.


Tabs were created to easily navigation between monetary and in kind donations.


Name and email fields were added to the form to capture contact info for future donor promotions.


Donation amount buttons were reordered from highest amount to lowest.


Differences in 3rd party payment options were explained.


Content was fleshed out to truly define Project Create and their mission.

Final Product

The redesigned Project Create site ultimately provides the user with a deeper understanding of how the organization supports Washington DC’s local youth through its art education and the direct impact users make through their donations. The newly designed online donation page then provides the features and overall user experience to promote higher levels of contribution.